
About Methodology

The Center for Sports Science combines science, innovation and specialized training to suit each athlete’s individual needs. The one-size-fits-all approach to sports performance is outdated. Today, the best athletes and teams approach training based on the unique needs of each athlete, which vary according to sport and position within a sport. We focus on science-based performance training to enhance technical sports skills to ensure that each athlete reaches their full athletic potential. After discussing an athlete’s specific goals, we use the copyrighted protocols developed by our sports science team, which are both sport-specific and position-specific. We look at each athlete through a scientific lens by analyzing his or her individual kinetic, neurological, musculoskeletal ability and aerobic capacity. Using 3D kinematic and motion analysis, we identify movement patterns and muscle imbalances that are specific to the athlete’s specific sport and position. Our team of experts uses this information to precisely individualize training that ensures optimal performance of that athlete and improves timing and accuracy. Methods used by the CSS encompass not only performance training, but also nutrition, recovery methods to improve the range of motion, reduce the risk of injury and maximize performance.


Understand and train your kinetic, neurological, musculoskeletal + aerobic capacity affects your performance.


Transform performance by correcting deficiencies + by strengthening dominant muscle patterns specific to your sport.


Gain and sustain a competitive edge with our evidence-based methodology that analyzes each athlete through a scientific lens


Increases in strength, mobility and pain reduction for pre- and post-game recovery as well as in sports-related injury rehabilitation.


Reduce the risk of chronic overuse injuries caused by incorrect movement patterns and physiological imbalances.



Accelerate your muscle gain and improve your power, timing and speed more effectively than athletes who use conventional strength training

Running & Gait Analysis

3D Motion Video Analysis to estimate the kinetics and kinematics of your walking and running pattern.

How it Works..??

Walking/ Running motion is captured using UHD Action Cameras with markers placed on the anatomical landmarks.

Gait analysis can assist in evaluating :

  • Pelvic Instability
  • Excessive Pronation
  • Anterior Pelvic Tilt
  • Over Striding, Wrong Landing and Imbalances
  • Joint Assessment
  • Efficient Running Mechanics
  • Better Running Form
  • Co-ordination Difficulties
  • Muscular Imbalances

Performance Enhancement

Runner’s Technique or form can dictate the amount of pain that develops, which could lead to poor performance and injuries. Gait Analysis assists by identifying the Kinematics of Ankle, Knee and Hips during Stance and Swing Phases of Running and Walking which helps to rectify the asymmetries in order to promote Injury Prevention as well as enhancing the Performance. Walking & Running Analysis Clinical Evaluation & Treatment